Engelsk B
Ny ordning
kl. 09.00-14.00
Vejledning til opgavesættet
Du skal besvare følgende opgaver: | |
Tekster til Assignment 5: | |
5 A – Fiction: | “Trio For Four Voices”, a short story by Jane McLaughlin, 2018. |
5 B – Non-fiction: | Becoming, preface to Michelle Obama’s memoir, 2018. Video: “Why Michelle Obama Chose Becoming as the Title of Her Upcoming Memoir”. |
Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
Den samlede eksaminationstid for Assignment 1-5 er 5 timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.
Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-5.
Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip
Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.
Tekster i opgavesættet
Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.
Assignment 1
Find alle verberne (udsagnsordene) i præteritum (datid) i nedenstående tekst, og omskriv dem til præsens (nutid). Skriv hele teksten som dit svar, og marker verberne tydeligt som i eksemplet.
Eksempel: | The house gave away its secrets… The house gives away its secrets… |
The house gave away its secrets more easily, and I got to know it well. It was four floors altogether. Leah lived at the top. She slept in the back room, in a canopy bed, and in the front one she kept an upright Steinway under a stained-glass skylight; at certain hours of the afternoon, the ivory keys became streaked with color. Before I met Leah, I’d been intimidated by the idea of the place she held in Yoav’s life. He referred to her often in conversation, sometimes as my sister, and sometimes just as she, and frequently he spoke of the two of them collectively. When her playing stopped, I was sure that she was watching from somewhere in the house, and the hair on my arm would rise. But when Lea finally appeared for the first time I was surprised at how slight and unassuming she was […]. She seemed held together by some great pressure exerted from within. She kept a second piano, a baby grand, in a study on the ground floor. Sheet music was stacked everywhere. These pages migrated through the house, turning up in the kitchen and bathrooms. She spent a week or two memorizing a piece, breaking it down into smaller and smaller parts. She wore an old cotton kimono and rarely got dressed.
Nicole Krauss, Great House, 2010
Assignment 2
Lyt til J.K. Rowling i videoklippet.
Besvar alle tre opgaver.
- Find og skriv fire forskellige pronominer (stedord).
- Find og skriv fire forskellige adverbier (biord).
- Angiv, hvad hvert af de fundne adverbier lægger sig til.
Fantastic Beasts Crimes
Assignment 3
The sentences below, which are from two different texts, have been jumbled.
Connect the sentences so that they form two coherent texts.
Assignment 4
Nedenstående tekst er en anmeldelse af filmen Mute af en bruger med profilnavnet Franbarrman.
- Beskriv kort stillejet i teksten især med fokus på sætningsopbygning og sproglig korrekthed. Skriv dit svar på dansk.
- Write a formal and grammatically correct version of the review (50 - 75 words) in English.
Assignment 5
- Answer assignment A or assignment B.
Assignment 5A - Fiction
- Write a short summary of Jane McLaughlin’s short story “Trio for Four Voices” in about 125 words.
- Write an analytical essay (600-900 words) in which you analyse and interpret the short story. Your essay must focus on the relationship between the characters.
Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
conflict, narrative technique, main theme
Your essay must include references to the text.
Jane McLaughlin, “Trio For Four Voices”, 2018.
Assignment 5B - Non-fiction
- Write a short summary of the preface to Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming in about 125 words.
- Write and analytical essay (600-900 words) about the text. Your essay must focus on how Michelle Obama presents herself. Discuss briefly her thoughts on personal development.
Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
structure, language, receivers
Your essay must include references to the text.
Michelle Obama, Becoming, 2018.
Watch this short video clip as an introduction to the text. |
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Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):
Nicole Krauss. Great House. New York: W.W.Norton & Company. 2010.
J.K. Rowling. “Fantastic Beasts Crimes”. YouTube website, viewed April 2019. (www.youtube.com)
Timeless Thoughts on Love – An Anthology of Quotations. Ed. Maggie Pinkney. The Five Mile Press. 2006.
Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs. Welcome to Australia. 1994.
Metacritic. “Fanbarrman”. Metacritic website, 2018, viewed April 2019. (metacritic.com)
Michelle Obama. Becoming. UK: Penguin Random House, 2018.
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations. “Why Michelle Obama Chose Becoming as the Title of Her Upcoming Memoir”. Oprah website, November 12, 2018, viewed April 2019. (www.oprah.com)
Jane McLaughlin. “Trio For Four Voices”. Best British Short Stories 2018. Ed. Nicholas Royle. United Kingdom: Salt Publishing, 2018.